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Winter Plant Care: Your Complete Guide to Bringing Outdoor Plants Indoors

Winter Plant Care: Your Complete Guide to Bringing Outdoor Plants Indoors

The outdoor world transforms significantly as winter approaches and the days grow shorter and colder. It's a season marked by frosty winds, freezing temperatures, and a noticeable absence of sunlight. While we bundle up to stay warm and cozy, we often forget that the plants in our gardens face their unique challenges during this time. Many plants are not equipped to handle the harsh conditions in winter and require our assistance to survive. 

This blog will explore the essential tips and guidance for bringing specific outdoor plants indoors during winter. We'll share the reasons behind this practice and provide a comprehensive guide on acclimating, nurturing, and caring for these vulnerable plants in your indoor space. So, let's embark on a journey to understand why some plants need a cozy, indoor refuge when winter arrives.

Prevent and treat plant shock

Prevent & Treat Plant Shock is a natural solution to prevent or treat transplant shock when repotting plants. Facilitates recovery from overwatering. Promotes healthy and vibrant plant growth and supports soil quality for optimal plant nutrition. It is also designed to help with root development and plant vitality. Ideal for all plants.


Why should plants be brought indoors for the winter months?

Bringing some plants indoors helps them survive the colder months. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Protection from Cold: During winter, the temperature outside drops, and many plants can't survive in the cold. Bringing them inside keeps them warm and prevents them from freezing, which could harm or even kill them.
  • Limited Sunlight: In winter, days are shorter, with less sunlight. Inside, you can give your plants the light they need to stay healthy. Some plants won't grow well without enough light.
  • Preventing Frost Damage: When plants freeze, the water inside their cells can turn into ice, causing damage. Bringing them indoors helps avoid this freezing and the harm it can cause.
  • Pests and Diseases: Certain pests and diseases can become more of a problem for plants in the winter. Bringing them inside can protect them from these issues.
  • Care and Attention: Inside, taking care of your plants is easier. You can control the temperature, water them properly, and watch for any problems more closely.
Potted plant near window

Which plants do you need to bring indoors for the winter?

Here are various common plants that you should consider bringing indoors during the winter to keep them safe and healthy:

  • Frost-sensitive flowers: Flowers like impatiens, petunias, and begonias are sensitive to frost. Bring them inside to protect them from the cold. These flowers add beauty to gardens but need warmth during winter.
  • Herbs: Herbs like basil, mint, and parsley are usually grown outdoors. During winter, they won't survive in freezing temperatures. By bringing them inside, you can continue to use fresh herbs for your cooking.
Potted herbs
  • Tropical plants: Plants such as orchids, peace lilies, and ferns are native to warm, tropical regions. They won't survive chilly weather. Keep them indoors where you can control the temperature and humidity to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Citrus trees: Lemon, lime, and orange trees don't like cold weather. If you have potted citrus trees, move them indoors for the winter. Ensure they get plenty of sunlight, and they'll continue producing fruits indoors.
Potted orange tree
  • Christmas Cactus: Christmas cacti are known for their vibrant flowers that bloom around the holiday season. Despite their name, they don't fare well in cold winter temperatures. Bringing them indoors and providing the right light conditions encourages them to produce colorful blooms during the festive season.
  • Succulents: While succulents are hardy, some varieties may struggle in freezing temperatures. It's a good idea to bring delicate succulents (like echeveria, aloe vera, and jade plants) indoors to prevent them from getting damaged by frost.

Cactus + Succulent Plant Food

Cactus + Succulent Plant Food is specially designed for weak and struggling cacti and succulents. Provides natural support and nourishment for vibrant growth and resilience. Useful for wilting and yellowing.


  • African Violets: African violets are tiny, colorful flowering plants. They prefer warm and stable indoor temperatures. Bringing them inside during winter helps maintain the right conditions for their growth, ensuring they continue to bloom beautifully.
  • Pothos: Pothos, also known as Devil's Ivy, is a popular indoor plant with heart-shaped leaves. It can't tolerate cold temperatures and benefits from being indoors, where it can receive indirect sunlight. Pothos is easy to care for and adds a touch of greenery to your indoor space.
  • Snake Plant: Snake plants, also called Mother-in-law's tongue, have tall, upright leaves. They are hardy but can be sensitive to frost. Keeping them indoors safeguards them from chilly weather. It allows them to thrive as they are accustomed to warm, tropical conditions.
  • Spider Plant: Spider plants, also known as Chlorophytum comosum, are popular indoor plants with long, arching leaves that resemble spider legs. They are easy to care for and are excellent air purifiers. While they can tolerate some cooler temperatures, they prefer to be indoors during winter to avoid frost. Bringing spider plants inside ensures they thrive and beautify your indoor space with unique foliage.
Potted spider plant

Top 20 tips on acclimating your plants to the change in environment:

Acclimating plants to a new environment is vital for their health. Here are twenty simple tips for helping your plants adjust to the change:

1. Gradual Introduction: Don't place plants directly in a completely different environment when bringing plants indoors. Start by putting them in a partially shaded indoor area for a few days. This helps them slowly get used to lower light levels.

2. Monitor Watering: Indoor environments usually have lower humidity than outdoors. Be mindful of the plant's water needs. Check the soil regularly and water the plant when the top inch feels dry. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

3. Optimal Light: Find a suitable spot indoors where the plant can receive the right amount of light. Most indoor plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Observing how the plant responds to the light conditions can help you adjust its placement for optimal growth.

4. Avoid Drafts: Plants can be sensitive to drafts, especially when heaters are running in winter. Keep them away from direct hot or cold air sources, such as vents and windows. Sudden temperature changes can stress the plant.

5. Pest Prevention: When plants come indoors, they might bring pests. Scrutinize the plant for any signs of insects or diseases. If you notice any issues, treat the plant with natural remedies or insecticidal soap to prevent the problem from spreading to other indoor plants.


Natural plant protection from insects


Natural Plant Protection promotes natural pest control and protects against damage from pests, such as spiders, insects, and bugs. It's useful as a protective barrier and supports healthy plant growth. Ideal for indoor and outdoor plants.


6. Proper Drainage: Make sure the indoor plants pots have drainage holes at the bottom. This allows excess water to escape, preventing waterlogged soil, which can harm the plant's roots. Place a saucer under the pot to catch any water that drains out.

7. Regular Cleaning: Dust can accumulate on plant leaves, hindering their ability to absorb light. Wipe the leaves gently with a damp cloth to keep them clean. Clean leaves can photosynthesize better, promoting healthy growth.

8. Humidity Control: Indoor environments can be dry, especially during winter when heaters are on. Some plants, like ferns and tropical varieties, prefer higher humidity. To increase humidity, you can mist the plants occasionally or place a shallow tray of water near them. This helps create a more favorable atmosphere for their growth.

Woman misting indoor plants

9. Avoid Overcrowding: Give your plants some space. Overcrowding can limit air circulation. Place plants at a distance from each other, allowing them room to breathe and grow without competition.

10. Patience and Observation: Plants take time to adjust. Be patient and observe their behavior closely. If you notice any changes in their leaves, like browning or wilting, it could be a sign of stress. Adjust their placement, water, or light exposure according to your observations to ensure they thrive indoors.

11. Seasonal Adjustments: Plants might need different care during winter compared to summer. For instance, they may require less water in winter when not actively growing. Adjust your watering schedule and other care routines based on the changing seasons to meet their needs.

12. Gentle Pruning: If your plants have damaged or dead leaves, gently prune them. Removing unhealthy parts can encourage new growth. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant further. Pruning also helps the plant direct its energy to healthier parts.

Woman pruning yellow leaves

13. Avoid Over-fertilizing: While plants need nutrients, too much fertilizer can harm them. Follow the recommended dosage on the fertilizer package, or try homemade fertilizers, and don't fertilize too frequently. Over-fertilization can lead to salt buildup in the soil, affecting the plant's health.

Superfood + nutrient booster for indoors

Superfood + Nutrient Enhancer (INDOOR) promotes indoor plant growth and vitality. Helps with nutrient deficiency and provides access to essential micronutrients for optimal health. Also designed to enhance flowering and lush foliage. Ideal for all indoor plants.


14. Stable Temperatures: Try to maintain a stable temperature in the room where your plants are kept. Sudden temperature fluctuations, especially extreme cold, can stress the plants. Avoid placing them near drafts, radiators, or heaters that can cause drastic temperature changes.

15. Be Mindful of Pet Interaction: If you have pets, make sure they don't chew on or dig in the soil of your indoor plants. Some plants can be toxic to animals. Keep plants out of reach of curious pets to ensure the safety of both your plants and your furry friends.

16. Encourage Air Circulation: Proper airflow is crucial for plant health. Stagnant air can lead to mold and mildew problems. Open windows occasionally to let in the fresh air, and if possible, use a gentle fan to promote air circulation. Just ensure the fan is not directly blowing on the plants, as it can cause them to dry out too quickly.

potted plants near open window

17. Rotate Your Plants: Rotate your plants every few weeks to ensure even growth. This prevents them from leaning towards the light source and encourages balanced development. Turning the pots ensures all sides of the plant receive adequate sunlight.

18. Mind the Soil: Use the correct type of indoor soil for plants. Some plants prefer well-draining soil, while others thrive in more moisture-retentive mixes. Repotting with fresh, suitable soil can rejuvenate a plant. Additionally, consider adding a layer of mulch on top of the soil to retain moisture and deter weed growth.

19. Group Plants Together: Grouping plants together can create a micro-environment with slightly higher humidity, especially as plants release moisture through transpiration. This can benefit humidity-loving plants. Be mindful of their light requirements, but clustering plants can create a more favorable atmosphere for their well-being.

20. Learn Each Plant's Language: Each plant communicates its needs differently. Some plants droop when they need water, while others show signs of overwatering through yellowing leaves. Understanding your plant's specific cues, such as changes in leaf texture or color, helps you respond promptly and provide the necessary care tailored to each plant's requirements.

By following these steps, you help your plants transition smoothly, ensuring they thrive in their new indoor environment.

Indoor garden with numerous plants on shelves

The Bottom Line

Winter may be a season of dormancy for most outdoor plants. Still, it's a season of vulnerability for those who can't withstand the cold. Bringing these plants indoors during the winter months is an act of care and protection, ensuring their survival until the warmth of spring returns. 

We've covered a wide array of valuable information in this blog, from the types of plants that need this special attention to the intricacies of acclimating them to their new environment and providing the proper care. As you nurture these delicate plants, remember the importance of patience, observation, and responsiveness. By following these guidelines and providing a warm and welcoming indoor environment, you'll be able to extend the beauty and life of your outdoor plants through the winter and, in doing so, bring a touch of nature's resilience and grace into your home.

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